Thursday, March 21, 2013

We had a great class last night with the presentation of beautiful big movie posters by Nathalie, Connor and Vincent. 

Dain, Alex and Sandra from my Columbia College Film class helped introduce filmmaking and began work on our documentary about the ICRE-R media lab class. We shot a scene of Nathalie's short script, practicing film set protocol. Vincent was our Assistant Director, Connor was Director and Jerwaine is our Music Composer on the film. We'll shoot the other scenes when the weather warms up. 

Instructional materials on writing a short script and how to use Photoshop to create an animated film will be uploaded to our Dropbox folder.

Jerwaine showed our crew his cool music beats and his Powerpoint presentation. I think everyone will love learning how to use PREZI next. It is very dynamic and like Powerpoint, you can create a short film-like presentation to pitch your film ideas to the class.

You can find an interesting template that fits your theme and upload text, images and video.

You can share your Prezi on your blog by copying the EMBED code and pasting it into the HTML side of your post.

Check out this Prezi demonstration on the concept of using PREZI:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Movie Poster Design Boot Camp begins on February 20th at 6PM. We'll get a chance to use the new printer to create dazzling art work after designing posters using Photoshop for sci-fi, film noir, romantic comedies, documentaries, animated films and action adventure films. 

Get your thinking caps on for this exciting new design adventure! 

Photoshop Masking and Compositing will be free to fans now through February 15:  

Course topics include making and refining selections with masks, using layer effects, blend modes, and other techniques, working with path outlines, and masking and compositing light. Check it out, and let us know what you think.